Via Grist, a detailed examination of whether grid parity is an approaching target for distributed solar power, and can be helped along with smarter electricity pricing policy: “…Consider a residential solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed in Los Angeles. A local buying group negotiated a price of $4.78 per watt for the solar modules and installation, […]
Read more »A study by Ben Hoen, Ryan Wiser and Peter Cappers of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Mark Thayer at San Diego State University finds that, on average, the sales price of homes with PV systems is boosted enough to cover the homeowner’s own investment in the solar power system. As The Energy Collective comments: “…One […]
Read more »Via Forbes, an interesting article on Geostellar, a start up seeking to catalog the solar power potential of every roof in the world: “…It was a throwaway comment, but it changed David Levine’s life. Levine worked for Lanworth, which predicts crop yields with satellite imagery. During a meeting in 2009 a Dean Foods executive who […]
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